Head Shot

Head Shot
Ann Marie Lamphier

Monday, February 28, 2011

Keeping up

Well as even short goals are difficult...I forgot to post...I am still working toward accomplishing them. I have not found out if I've received a part for my audition last week. I am hoping to find out soon. Oscars were this past weekend. Luckily I went and saw the King's Speech. Amazing! I really enjoyed it. I wish it would have won best cinematography. It was so beautiful. Anyway I think I need a nap, feeling woozy as I write this. till next time.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

well not exactly 24 hours

not exactly 24 hours later, but close. Audition went well I believe, although I was far too worked up before hand stressing myself out....remember relax relax relax. Relaxation is your best friend. I made a choice and went with it, that's all you can do. And then be open for direction if you're given it.

Watching my kids devour the valentine candy they found today...whle I dread making a dentist appointment for a cavity I'm sure I have. Until tomorrow...

Monday, February 21, 2011

A New day, a new committment

Here's to hoping a deadline of dedication will help me post and stay tuned. I just watched Julie and Julia. I was inspired by the decision to blog on a daily basis....and in Julie's case she did it for at least one year. A goal, a small goal, one that we all can do. I am making the choice to start a goal. So for me my first goal is something, anything each day for one week. Today I am starting with letting you know about continuing to memorize a monologue for an audition tomorrow. I will let you know tomorrow.